Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Welcome to 2019

Happy New Year people!

I definitely have no intention of doing that whole "New year, new me" thing,  because no. But, I will say that I have definite goals this year and I will put my nose to the grindstone to achieve them.

Jason is finally out of the car business. Can I get an Amen?? We can be an actual family unit- for real. He is going to be a Monday-Friday employee with actual, normal hours. Normal hours that end when he clocks out!! Woah. I don't know what that is like! Thank God.

I mean really, thank God. That is the only person responsible for this. I prayed and prayed for this change, for months. I had faith that something would come along that would allow him the ability to walk away from cars and sales and all that entails and allow our family to be number 1 finally. It wasn't that he never put us first, we were always first, but providing for us was how he put us first. But, since I have a solid income and my paycheck pays our mortgage and this new job will provide for the remainder of the bills, he was able to say "see ya" to Niello and walk away with peace of mind. Hallelujah!

Now, we have work to do. On ourselves, on our marriage, on our children, on our family as a whole, on our house. We have work to do. But who doesn't? You should be working on yourself every. single. day. You should be striving to be better than you were yesterday. So, that isn't to say I am talking down on us or our family, I am just speaking out the truth. We have work to do, but we actually have the time and ability to do it now. And I am excited.

Part of our journey is going to be Jason exploring Lewis Photography. He has an eye and we need to find ways to make some extra money to supplement our income. So, there ya go. He will be able to incorporate one of his passions with the ability to make money and provide for his family, as well. Win-win yo!

Alright, there's the update for now. Back to work.

I am focusing on my word for the year:: Release. I am releasing my stress, my fears, my worries, my visions, my love- I am going to live free and happy.

Cheers & Happy New Year ~ Love Always,

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