Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tis the season...DIY and gift giving

‘Tis the season for giving and I absolutely love giving gifts and love, even more, when I can channel what little creativity I may have into a homemade gift!  

This year I decided since we are shaving our budget down a bit, we would opt for some DIY gifts when appropriate. Grandma and Grandpa’s are definitely a good place to put that energy toward- they really appreciate the thought behind the gifts, especially when they center around their grandchildren.

I have almost all of my Christmas shopping done and most of the supplies ready to do the DIY projects that I have chosen. I won’t give away all the details because, obviously, Christmas hasn’t arrived and most of the recipients have not yet received their gifts.

But, I can share that one of my projects (that I chose to just do) is not for Christmas. I have several loved ones who suffer from Fibromyalgia including my mom, grandma and my MiL, Carol. I wanted to try this cream that I have been seeing constantly on Pinterest. I have all of the essential oils needed to make it, but I needed Coconut oil and a jar. It was slightly messy, but fairly easy to whip out this past weekend. I needed to alter the jar used, which I did (for easier access) and then I gave the first batch to Carol for her birthday last night. I also have my mom hers and I am going to give my grandma hers this weekend after I can make another batch. I am praying that it works! I would be so thrilled if they got even a little relief! I made a smaller batch for them and asked them all to try it and if it worked and they wanted more, I would make a big batch!

I also needed to give something to my sons’ daycare teacher. I wanted something on the inexpensive but heartfelt side, so I also made her homemade peppermint foot scrub with sugar and coconut oil blended with a few drops of peppermint oil and some red food coloring for the “peppermint look”. It’s cute and was very easy! I went and bought a couple more fun items and am putting together a “pampering” basket for her. I added some nail polish, lotion, fuzzy socks, a mini pedicure set and a candle. I also added some chocolates for her, her kids and an extra pair of socks for her teenage daughter who helps her with the kids a lot. I thought maybe they could do it together.

I have a few other DIY projects for family members that I have to work on this weekend.

On a separate note, we gave my Papa a new drill set this weekend as a “Thank you” for building our room. He wasn’t happy that we spent money on him, but I didn’t care! It was a good set, something he needed and hadn’t purchased for himself yet (he always purchases what he wants before anyone can), something that will help him finish the room more quickly and I felt good getting him a good gift! Plus, we got a really good deal on it- which makes it ever better!

I am hoping to get a few pics of the end results for each of these DIY gifts…and I am really hoping to get them done this weekend so they can be wrapped and ready to go!

Wish me luck! My 3rd trimester begins tomorrow and my energy is fleeting…

As usual, I continually add items to my Stress List rather than allowing the completed items to fall off and the list get smaller. The list IS getting smaller, but not as quickly as I would appreciate since I keep adding items as I remember them…such as life for the pregnant mind.

XOXO- Ladylewy

Thursday, December 4, 2014

December check-in and last 2nd Trimester update!

Trimester 3 is on the horizon, so time for a quick update on my pregnancy with baby #2.

I am officially 27 weeks pregnant. Which means, this time next week, I will be in my 3rd trimester! I have reached a milestone; if something happened and I had to deliver tomorrow, baby would have to stay in NICU for a bit, but should survive! That is a big deal to me!

Due to a horrific craving of carbs and my extreme lack of energy, I have gained more weight this time around than I wanted to. I haven't gained too much, but I did set a limit for myself and I have nearly reached that, with 13 weeks to go...oh well!

Weirdly enough, I fit comfortably in my clothes (pants size 8) until week 16, only using the “rubber band trick” on occasion, before purchasing the belly band for comfort. And, it wasn't until closer to week 23 that maternity jeans became a necessity most days. 

I have yoga pants, textured leggings, cotton pants and linen pants added to my current wardrobe, in addition to the jeans, but I only own 2 maternity shirts. I wear tank tops and t-shirts or sweaters most days. They are not stretching out yet, they "fit", they are just shorter on my torso than they used to be.  I feel bigger than I was with Jaxon at this time, but I am not. I am almost the same, and with my second baby, so I am feeling pretty good about that! Honestly, I am not even too upset about inching toward my limit, it was just an arbitrary number and I am healthy and so is baby and nothing beyond that matters. Plus, the weight will come off after baby arrives...

We are headed into the homestretch! I have a little over 2 weeks at work before we’re closed for Christmas vacation and I won’t return until Monday, January 5th.  That will mark between 5-6 weeks left of work before maternity leave (depending on how I am doing  and what doc says)! I still consider my due date to be March 7th, which means, February 6th could be my last day at work. Although, I currently have plans to stay through February 13th, but we will see...

I hope to have a post about the construction of our new room in the garage soon. Papa is building it and it looks like some decent progress is being made and we are on par for being done by the end of the month! I sure hope so! I would like to be moved in and settled before heading back to work in January. Then I can focus on the nursery....

Stay tuned for more updates!

XOXO, Ladylewy