Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Surprise Retirment Party

I love planning. 
I love party planning. 
I love surprise party planning! 

So, what better way to celebrate a friend’s 25 year teaching career than with a Surprise Retirement Party?

We “bunko babes” originated from our monthly Bunko group and that has morphed into much more. We are now the friends that vacation together, go to basketball games, bowl, play bingo, have “game nights” and do so many other things, include celebrate milestones. There are a core group of ladies and a few other ladies that get together for the “big ones” when they can. Last night- we were all there! (Our group was struck with tragedy last November when our friend Colleen suddenly passed. I don’t think her death has left us yet and, honestly, I don’t think it ever will. She was the glue that bound us together and my mom, Penny and I work very hard to take her place in staying connected.) Good times like last night help us heal and are so necessary!

Back in May, my mom sent out a message wanting to celebrate Vicki’s retirement from teaching. 25+ years as a teacher deserved something special! We all came together and decided Tuesday, June 24th would be the perfect day- it was her last official day at work. Shortly after, Vicki decided she wanted to host Bunko- on the 24th! More specifically than bunko, she wanted to get together with us to celebrate a pretty significant day in her life. It couldn’t have worked out more perfectly. After a little maneuvering, my mom got Vicki to allow the movement of the party over to our house (we needed to be able to decorate!) and she was none the wiser of our plans behind the scenes.

Here are some pictures of all the decorations. I re-purposed the banner from Jaxon’s birthday party, I just printed the letters needed to create the proper words for Vicki. 

I found this banner on Pinterest and I think it came out pretty cute and was fairly easy to do!

Karen and Sandy made these adorable bags for the decorations on the main table in addition to holding the napkin and utensils. They also made all these yummy desserts!

Penny and Cindy put together this amazing gift basket with lots of little goodies, gag-type gifts and trinkets. In addition, the group gave Vicki an Outback gift certificate and this beautiful “teacher” from the Willow collection.


Mexican food was the theme: chips and guacamole, taco bar and rice and beans! It was all great and best of all she was surprised. Can’t ask for more than that!!

A few other little touches here and there and the night was complete, beautiful, fun and HAPPY!

Vicki was surprised, happy and really enjoyed herself. It felt great to do something good for a friend and to honor her years of hard work and shaping young lives! Cheers!


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Happy 2nd Birthday Jaxon Rylee!!

My baby is two. I definitely don’t think he qualifies as a “baby” anymore. He is a little boy now. But, he is my baby and he always will be my baby, no matter his age. I cannot believe that two years ago this tiny (yeah, right!) little person entered my world and changed me forever. From the moment that second line popped up on the test, my heart belonged to him. Nothing else matters beyond what is going on in that little boy’s head and heart and he is who I live for, each and every day. I am my own person and I remember that and embrace that, but I am Jaxon’s Mama. My heart is forever his.

  Though his party was this past Saturday, his actual birthday was yesterday, the 18th.  As a tradition I started last year for his first birthday, I took the day off and Jason already has Wednesday’s off, so it was perfect. I planned nothing; and, that is not me. I am a planner by nature. I plan everything, but yesterday I didn’t. I wanted a stress-free, enjoyable day without time frames or commitments. And, I loved it! It was so relaxing and Jaxon had a great day –and, really, that is all that mattered to me!

The only thing that I did plan was him waking up to a plethora of balloons in primary colors, something fun to mark the start of his special day.  Originally, we were going to fill his room with the balloons and let him wake up to them, but changed our minds so we would actually be able to see his reaction. Jason and I came to his door after he woke up and sang him Happy Birthday and walked him out to the living room. He saw the balloons and pointed and said “For me?”. For the next, probably, 30 minutes he ran up and down the hall laughing like crazy dragging the balloons behind him. It was so cute!

I made him banana and rainbow pancakes (just added sprinkles) and we ate breakfast and watched ‘Mouse’ (his adorable nickname for Mickey Mouse). We still had no clue of our plans for the day when we left the house around 11am and we didn’t care. We ended up in Davis- Jason dropped us off at my mom’s work at UCD to surprise her, and he went to get a haircut. Mom got to walk Jaxon around work and show him off to her co-workers, then we walked to one of the grassy fields behind her building and let him run. It was leisurely and fun.

Jason picked us up and we headed back to Vacaville for lunch, but Jaxon fell asleep in the car instead (his only 45 minutes of nap time that day….). After lunch and a quick visit to GiGi and Papa’s house, we attempted a real nap before swim lessons, only to fail miserable. Unfortunately, this is happening a bit more often, I guess I better brace myself for fewer and shorter naps… 

After dinner, Jaxon opened his presents from Grandma and us and played a bit and then we lit his Birthday Candle; this tradition came from my childhood. My mom had my sister and I light our special candle each birthday in the evening and burn down to the next year. I loved to be able to pass on some traditions to my son. Another tradition I passed on was our birthday figures- this is more for me, because I love my figurine collection. I chose Precious Moments for him because they have a zoo animal theme for boys…

This little boy is my heart. He is all boy and loves to be rough and get dirty, but cuddling with Mama is just as nice. He is smart, fun, loving, feisty, stubborn, loves to read and be read to and he captivates my attention in an instant. I get a kick out of spending time with him; he teaches me every day and drives me to want more in life. He is my reason to wake up every morning and push for more, strive to be better.

Happy Birthday Jaxon <3 . Mama loves you to the moon and back- ten times over!!


Monday, June 16, 2014

Jaxon's "Cars" themed 2nd Birthday Party & some DIY decorations

What an amazing time! Jaxon's birthday party was wonderful. He was surrounded by friends and family and he had a blast. 

The food turned out great, we have leftovers to eat now and some still frozen to help the grandparents with their 4th of July party.

I made my own decorations. I bought cardstock in primary colors and printed “Happy Birthday Jaxon” (one letter each 5x7 sheet). I hung each letter on twine with checkerboard duct tape to tie in the “Cars” theme. I was very happy with how it turned out, even more that it was hand-made.

Under the banner, we placed the dessert station. 

Homemade cupcakes: Funfetti flavor with cream cheese frosting.  4 dozen cupcakes to be exact! I tucked them all away to keep the air from getting to them before the party: 3 small trays in the microwave and one large tray in the cabinet. And I forgot the large tray in the cabinet. So – we had about 18 leftover once all was said and done. Some of them had no decoration, some had Cars themed stickers on them and some had a checkered flag theme (used black frosting) and a hot wheels car for a favor for the kids on top.

I also made “Stoplight Brownies” with M&M’s and we used Frosted Donuts as “Spare Tires”.


I got a Costco cake for the adults. Everything turned out great and I was thrilled.

I made little signs for all the food based off the characters of Cars, like Flo’s Fruit, Mater’s Meat and Meat with Cheese, Mack’s salad Chick’s nuggets. Everything seemed to mesh together perfectly.

We got a bounce house because we were set to have so many kids and, let me tell you, it was a hit! If no one else but Jaxon had a ball, it was worth it – but it was occupied almost the entire night. By myself included, and my son, nieces and some friends decided to dog pile me…I think am too old for that, but it was awesome!

Jaxon was beyond spoiled and I am so thankful for everyone who came and enjoyed the day with him.

We also got to debut our newly re-done backyard and got so many compliments and were really thrilled with how wonderful it looks! I will have to follow up later with updated pictures of our progress.

I am sure I will have plenty of updates over the summer with our family’s adventures. We get 5 weeks of Tuesday/Wednesday off with Jaxon. I am so excited to spend time with him as a family. It is something we haven’t been able to do since last summer and he is such a little person now! He can talk, has opinions (although he always has, they are more vocal now). I am really looking forward to my summer with him. I think it is going to be one to remember!

Xoxo- Lady Lewy

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Let Summer Begin!

Busy. Super busy. Happy busy...

That is our life, every day, it seems. But I love it. I don’t like to slow down, except at night when everything feels done. Or maybe, my body feels done?

I just finished "Hell Month" (really two long months...), the craziest time of my year, at work and am slowing down and gearing up for summer break. I get 5 weeks off, and I am so very ready! I have a countdown going this year, because with new testing, it was especially rough and long. And, honestly, I am tired.

Even though it's vacation and I am supposed to 'rest', I think that is really a relative term. I already have lots going on during my break and I am super excited to tackle my to-do list. Normally, I call it the stress-list, but because these items are for fun and not exactly chore-y, I don't consider it a 'stress'. In fact, I keep jumping on Pinterest and finding more fun things to do and add to my list.

This summer, I will get to spend time around the house doing those projects, hardcore cleaning, organizing, sleeping in a bit here and there (if my body allows it…so, probably not LOL). I will get to read a book, watch a movie, hang with my grandparents, vacation with my mom, maybe see some friends. Most importantly, I will get to spend Tuesday and Wednesday with my family. I am SO excited! We will get to plan quick day trips or a few overnight trips here and there and I get to spend quality - un-rushed time with my baby and my hubby. I. can. not. wait!

My baby? Not exactly...Jaxon will be 2 on the 18th . TWO! I still remember the first moment he entered my world as a person and no longer the gymnast rolling around under my ribs. I cannot believe that was already two years ago.

We already have some birthday traditions that we will continue with him. Last year, for his first birthday, we made him a pancake breakfast after waking him up in the morning singing. This year, we plan to have his room covered in balloons! We also have a 'Birthday Candle' (this tradition was from my mom from my childhood) and we light it in the evening to burn down another year. At bedtime, we read his Dr. Seuss Birthday book. I am getting excited just thinking about it! 

My own tradition is taking the day off to be with him. Jason is already off on Wednesdays (like I just mentioned), so we are trying to decide how to spend the day.  I was kicking around the idea of doing the zoo again, but in Oakland or San Francisco this time. Or, maybe something new? I also had visions of the 3 of us venturing off near the lake or a field in the Vacaville "outback" with our camera and no time restrictions. 

To exercise a little spontaneity (that is so rare in our lives), I think maybe we’ll decide that morning what sounds best, and maybe Jaxon will weigh in. That little boy has quite the opinion already of what he wants to be doing at any given time. And, he has quite the pout on him when his wishes aren't honored! He may have nailed that puffy lil lip and crossed arms, but he is no match for me, LOL- I just hug it out (much to his chagrin) and move on!

 Anyway, time to create and hit the to-do list! First, is definitely Jaxon’s birthday decorations. I need to get those done this weekend and then grocery shop for his birthday party food next week. His party is the 14th and it will be the first time hosting everyone in our overhauled backyard and I cannot wait! And if everyone who has responded comes- it will be quite the shin dig!

I will definitely be posting pictures of his birthday party and, of course, his actual birthday. Have to celebrate the reason for my happiness! 

And on a side note, I got Jason Miranda Lambert tickets for his birthday (the concert is the night before). We are super excited for this concert season. We already have Rascal Flatts and Blake Shelton tickets and we are waiting for Jason Aldean and Luke Bryan tickets to go on sale. We are going to have so much fun! And I am excited to see Jason in Wranglers and his boots & hat! Yee-haw!

xoxo- Ladylewy