Thursday, March 27, 2014

Live for the Moment

Take it easy. Rest. Relax. Keep your mind idle.

Those are words and sentiments that I used to love to hear and do, but that doesn't seem to fit my mentality anymore. I don't ever stop. I get up early and I go until it's all done or closer to it. I think every mother does. It becomes part of our D.N.A., if it wasn't already.

Last weekend, I hit my head. Hard. I was picking up a toy at my grandparent's house during a visit when we were getting ready to go home. I leaned down and grabbed the toy and stood up- directly into the (thankfully rounded) corner of the fireplace mantle. It was loud, it was hard and it hurt! In seconds I heard both my Papa and my Mama said 'Oh wow, that was loud'. I remember my knees buckling and hitting the floor and then I was on my side. I was stunned. I really wasn't sure what had just happened and then the pain hit.

After assessing the damage I felt I was okay, but hurting. My sister insisted I at least call the advice nurse for direction. So, I did. I was told to watch for some symptoms for the next 24 hours, but other than that she thought I was OK. I already knew I was. I watched for those indicators that I had a concussion and after 24 hours none were present. Not even the headache that I was waiting for. Alright- dodged a bullet there! I iced my head "on 20/off 20" almost all day Saturday and actually did try to take it easy....that was NOT easy.

Sunday, I had plans and I was up and off before 9am. That night, I enjoyed a nice glass of wine, which I was not allowed the night before and this mama was not too happy about that! :( Monday morning I wake up feeling drunk. VERTIGO!! Turns out, I actually did have a slight concussion! It just took a few days for the symptoms to hit. I am okay...still dizzy every once in a while- but things are getting better every day. (And, I am very thankful it wasn't worse!)

So, this made me think. I never stop. I wake up before 6am six days per week. Monday - Friday I go to work, pick up Jaxon, play with him for a bit or run errands, make dinner, bathe him and get him into bed. Before I know it its 9pm. I still have to clean the kitchen, straighten up, do laundry, get things ready for the next day. I feel like it doesn't end.

On Saturdays, I am awake before 6am for a 7am Weight Watchers weigh in and meeting. I get home, get Jaxon up and feed him and then we either play for a few hours, run errands or we get ready and go to our activity for the day. Again, non-stop.  Sunday is my only day that is not guaranteed to be awake before 6am, but inevitably with Jaxon, I am awake by 7-730am.

I don't know how to relax or take it easy. There is always something to do. Laundry, cooking, errands, cleaning something, playing with my son, preparing for the next adventure.There is just always something to do or think about. But you know what? I like that. Even when I am "taking it easy" my mind is still going a mile a minute, or I am catching up on my emails or looking at ideas on Pinterest. Or playing on social media. I don't stop. I don't want to stop. I want to always be going and enjoying life. I can stop when I sleep. The more you put into life the more you get out and I want the world for my son and I want to enjoy every moment. So, no, I don't want to take it easy or slow down - I want to put my all into this one life we are given and I want to relish every second that God has given me because I have absolutely no idea when that will be gone.

Live for every moment and enjoy it! It is a gift!

-xoxo, Megan

Friday, March 7, 2014

They see me rollin'....

We are officially a 2 vehicle family again, and I am so excited!!

We have been waiting for the right time to add a payment to our budget, and for the right vehicle to come along to make me want to. Well, about 2 weeks ago, Jason took an SUV in on trade that he couldn't pass up. At first I wasn't ready and said no....then he told me the details.

2004 Cadillac Escalade; fully loaded with about 75,000 miles. The price was right too (we get employee pricing,  totally sweetening the deal!) So, they made the deal happen & I signed papers and drove her home today. We have worked so hard to get where we are. I am so proud of us our accomplishments

Here she is:


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

My Baby....Toddler!?

My baby boy is growing up! I feel so torn about this because on one hand, this is amazing to witness this miracle of his life and I am so blessed to be his mom and on the other hand, I didn't truly realize how fast it all goes! And really, it bums me out!

I spoke about "changes" last week and they are coming- in a fast and furious fashion!

Monday night marked Jaxon's first night in his Big Boy Bed! (We removed the front crib rail and added a safety rail). We have toddler proofed his room so when he decides he doesn't feel like going to sleep at bedtime or he wants to be awake and up wayyy too early in the morning-he is still safe to get up and play on his own.

Night number one went fairly well, Daddy only put him back in bed twice before he decided it was bedtime and he went to sleep. Night number two...that was a whole different story!  I suspect we will have many more "Night 2's" in our future. haha

Here is the new view of his bed and his play area to keep him occupied. So funny to hear out of nowhere the monitor kick on because he is "cooking" on his stove-top! I think we may disable the sound effects at night, lol!

Our next move will be big boy bedding and some more changes to his room decor! Buh-bye nursery style Jungle theme and hello Mickey Mouse and friends!


Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Our lives have been full of changes over the last few months. Unfortunately, a lot have been bad, but some have been great!  I chose to focus on the good in our lives and let the negative and bad juju sink away.

Jason and I are feeling fantastic finally and moving forward with our little family. We have turned the page away from one ugly chapter and are beginning anew. We are focused, happy and excited for what life has in store for us!

We have the support of our family and friends and that is all you can ask for. J

Cheers to new beginnings and to letting go of the yucky and realizing your worth!


Lady Lewy